Automated containerization

Automated containerization – How does CloudHedge help?

During discussions with customers, using containers or planning to use, we came across a common problem – lack of strategy to containerize. They were not ready in terms of the know-how. Most of them, have deployed automation tools for deployment and/or monitoring their infrastructure. However, they were asking if there is an automated process of containerizing their IT application. Predictability and committing a timeline to containerize an application is, not surprisingly, their top agenda.



Make digital transformation – Predictable!

Automation in containerization makes the digital transformation predictable, thus giving CIOs a good handle on actual costs for such projects. That’s the premise on which CloudHedge was designed and developed. CloudHedge becomes the catalyst in containerizing existing workloads from host based applications to containers. This is largely automated by leveraging our patent-pending machine learning based algorithms for many IT apps (like J2EE, RoR, PhP or legacy apps). With as much as 40% of the basic containerization taken care of, CloudHedge provides the necessary tools to complete the containerization. This makes it easy to deploy the containers quickly using Kubernetes, ECS, or Google Container Engine clusters.

Containerization, if done manually, takes time

Another way to containerize an application is by learning through the logs generated by your infrastructure. CloudHedge allows you to hook into existing host machines and analyze the workloads. We would recommend strategies to adapt and analyze how infrastructure is consumed. Then provide options to right size the infrastructure consumption and then containerize. However, this will take more time to containerize if done manually. The analysis could suggest usage of Lambda or scheduled time bound infrastructure. Automating containerization will be much faster and will optimize the application as part of Continuous Delivery (CD).

Reduce cost of DevOps consultants

Instead of hiring a DevOps consultant, use CloudHedge to seek the right advice / recommendation on an ongoing basis. The tool can add monitoring capability based on popular tools like Prometheus for containers etc. Remember, It uses machine learning techniques to identify and improvise the containerization process.


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